International Cooperation


International cooperation enables us to develop our regional strategy, to learn from other experienced regions and other actors, and to share our knowledge to create new ideas and innovations. We are eager to cooperate, and willing to use our regional networks for project development.

On European territorial cooperation level, our region is a part of Interreg Baltic Sea region and Northern Periphery and Arctic programme. We have also experience on Interreg Europe  programme and Life programme (integrated projects, IP).

Our ongoing projects:

Green Industrial Areas (GIA)

The GIA project empowers public authorities to increase the share of smart and climate-neutral industrial areas and co-develop a transnational certification standard. It is co-funded by the European Union. (2023–2025)


The Nature-based Carbon offsets, NACAO, project aims at being an accelerator for regional governments with competences on climate change approaching the offsetting of carbon emissions, in this case by developing nature-based solutions and policies contributing to the offsetting of emissions through them. It is co-funded by the European Union. (2023–2027)


PROMOTER enables EU to achieve its climate neutrality and re-power, by pursuing innovative decarbonised mobility, thus contributing to a greener territorial quality. It is co-funded by the European Union. (2023–2027)

Past projects


CIRCWASTE promotes circular economy and efficient use of material flows. One of the key focus areas in Central Finland is promotion of biogas production and use. (2016-2023)

Three T

Three T (Thematic Trail Trigger) is triggering the performance of regional policy instruments to enhance the protection, accessibility, visibility and eco-tourism potential of natural and cultural heritage. The aim is to create thematic trails or valorise those already existing and to search possibilities for human-powered, green and soft mobility.Regional Good Practices of Central Finland are Alvar Aalto Routes, Central Finland – Sauna Region of the World, and Our path. (2018 – 2022)

Our Action Plan Regional Structure of wellbeing was focusing on actions defining the structural elements of wellbeing and for enhancing the sustainable use of natural and cultural heritage for tourism and recreation in Central Finland. The Action Plan was a result of an intensive exchange of experience with other THREET partners and inspired by the good practices from other regions.  

Years 2021-22 Regional Council of Central Finland was honored to tutor three Pilot Actions focusing on theme Silence as tourism attraction. Pilot Actions were implemented by our partner regions in Italy, Poland and Romania and in close co-operation with European Environment Agency and European Topic Center.  

THREET Action Plans and other information can be found on THREE T project website:  

Watch the video highlighting the Pilot Action theme Studying silence in Central Finland – THREE T Pilot Actions:   (2018 – 2022) 


RDI2CluB improves the understanding of the bioeconomy in the region and encourages bioeconomy-related innovations especially in SMEs. (2017-2020)


BalticForbio focuses on forest related bioeconomy, especially on distributing the best practices to end users and showing the potential of forest-based bioeconomy. (2017-2020)


CREADIS3 integrates culture and creative economy with economic policy instruments, including regional strategies. (2017-2019)


Contact persons

Anna-Kaisa Tupala

Anna-Kaisa Tupala

Climate Specialist

+358 407 305 719


Nature Based Carbon Offsets project

Pekka Matilainen

Pekka Matilainen

Energy Specialist

050 343 0758
